dinsdag, januari 17, 2006

Ubuntu Linux 6.04 Flight 3 Screen Shots

Screen shots of the just released Ubuntu Linux 6.04 Flight 3.

See also Ubuntu Foundation

As Ubuntu and free software in general become more mainstream, it has become costly for companies and large organisations to keep track of the rapid pace of development. In the desktop environment the problem is more manageable, and steady improvements in the usability of desktop office and productivity applications have been welcomed. In the datacenter, however, where Linux and free software are considered mature, deployments have a preference for fewer releases with long lifecycles. Ubuntu version 6.04, to be released in April 2006, will be aimed at meeting those requirements with a full five year commitment to provide security and other critical updates for servers. This also meets the needs of OEM distribution providers and ISVs, who have expressed strong interest in supporting free software environments but who prefer to be able to plan for releases and support them for longer periods of time.

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