Don't Worry, It Doesn't Matter How Many Twitter Followers You Have If you're the type to measure your self-worth by how many people follow you
on Twitter - and perhaps more importantly, who - this morning was rather
exciting. Gizmodo published directions for a simple way to make other
Twitterers follow your account, resulting in some users gleefully playing
with the loophole to make it look as if they were tight with the likes of
Ashton Kutcher and even Jesus. Twitter's clunky way of fixing the problem
included temporarily resetting follower counts to zero, which set off
additional squeals of protest from from the navel-gazers. There's little
overlap between the different types of influential users on Twitter.
(Indegree refers to # of followers.) But does your number of followers
actually matter? It's worth full to read and reread this article, cause it's a little bit
hard to understand, but there is a nice link to Klout which gives
information in a nice way
on Twitter - and perhaps more importantly, who - this morning was rather
exciting. Gizmodo published directions for a simple way to make other
Twitterers follow your account, resulting in some users gleefully playing
with the loophole to make it look as if they were tight with the likes of
Ashton Kutcher and even Jesus. Twitter's clunky way of fixing the problem
included temporarily resetting follower counts to zero, which set off
additional squeals of protest from from the navel-gazers. There's little
overlap between the different types of influential users on Twitter.
(Indegree refers to # of followers.) But does your number of followers
actually matter? It's worth full to read and reread this article, cause it's a little bit
hard to understand, but there is a nice link to Klout which gives
information in a nice way
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