donderdag, februari 23, 2006

Google Page Creator

Although there has been no official announcement yet Google have released the long awaited and long-rumored Google Pages (which has nothing to do with cloning Larry Page). Pages allows users to create a webpage using an AJAX interface that removes a lot of the ‘pain’ associated with creating pages with HTML and other desktop design applications. If you have some time on your hands and would like to try this out, then head over to to signup. If you have an existing Google account (they snuck that on us, didn’t they) then getting a pages account is very simple.

And yes, I have created a webpage: you can find it with this link.

zaterdag, februari 18, 2006


Today I discovered the all-purpose platform for user-generated content, called Squido. It's a tool where everybody who has something to say about a certain subject can bring in his specialisme. Everyone knows a lot of things about a certain subject: he can share this information with others.
You find other information and links about things which you perhaps didn't now about.
It's a great resource of information


This new ebook (3 versions, 18 pages each, PDF format) explains how Seth Godin believe some of the new Web 2.0 tools (flickr,, squidoo and others) combine with ideaviruses and the Purple Cow.

woensdag, februari 15, 2006

Add IBM developerWorks Search

Add a developerWorks search plugin to your Firefox browser

Here's a good example of the benefit of open, standards-based environments -- which in this case make it quick and easy to both develop and adopt an enhancement to an existing application:

Want to have easy access to developerWorks? You can now add a new search plugin to your Firefox browser (thanks to our own Peter Yim). Simply go to a developerWorks search results page such as this, and you'll see the following at the top of the page:

dinsdag, februari 14, 2006

Google Running Logs

Google Running Logs is a software package that lets you automatically upload your runs from a GPS watch (like the Garmin Forerunner 201 or 301) to your web site to be displayed in a nifty Google Map. The map will show an animated view of your runs showing mile markers, pace per mile, and distance travelled.

This is something I'm looking for for a long time: pitty this wrest Garmin watch is still quit expensive!

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zondag, februari 12, 2006

Free personal front pages!

This one hell of an application for using among fellow workers. All workers who now there general URI can work on that page. There is no version control who has changed when and there is no roll back possible. But it shore has some potentials.

Have a look!

Complete List of Web 2.0 Products and Services

The entire list of Web 2.0 applications that are out there.. Great list, nothing can beat it... Must digg link...

Comments: a (almost) complete list from Web 2.0 app's we've waiting for ;-).

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Thinking about registering a domain? Don't check if it's available!

NetworkSolutions, and other domain registrars are actively checking their whois search log and registering any good domains they find.
I've tried
just to see in a couple days if there has been some changes!? B.T.W.: there was a sitename which really exists!

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  • It's quite interesting to see all those various betas floating the Web 2.0 scene these days (months?). I think this one is a good proof of what can be done with a small and simple design and a great idea combined into an API powered Web 2.0 project. What's more: It's a user-powered project.

  • On top this appplication gives you a overview of about 600 files (as of today!) and still growing. As you type the file name (for example inetfinfo.exe under Windows XP), you get immediatly results, which why the're using Ajax.

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zaterdag, februari 11, 2006

How to Take a Caffeine Nap. . .

Researchers have found that the best way to stay awake is to drink a cup of coffee, or other caffeinated beverage, and then take an immediate nap. See details here. . .

A related article about 'How much sleep is enough can be found by the same blogger. Interesting: less is more, it seems!

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PHP job posting in PHP

Geekiest job listing ever! Gotta love geek humor.
I really should give this a try at my linuxbox!

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