dinsdag, juli 27, 2010

Eclectic Energies Enneagram Tests (free

Eclectic Energies Enneagram Tests (free)

These two online Enneagram tests help you to determine which personality type you are.
Your wing will also be indicated.

Some suggestions on how to take the tests to get the most accurate results can be found below.

Classical enneagram test

This test consists of pages containing nine questions or less (one for each Enneagram type). After you have answered enough questions to establish which types you are not, you'll get no further questions for those types.

Enneagram test with instinctual variant

With this test you are presented with pairs of character traits to rate. It is quicker than the other test, and gives an indication of your instinctual subtype as well.

Getting accurate results from these Enneagram tests

It's important to answer the questions honestly. Try not to answer them in terms of how you would like to see yourself but in terms of how you actually are or have tended to be in the past.

Actually it is not so easy to answer the questions honestly as we all want to see ourselves as better than we are and we often have preconceived ideas about ourselves that are not really true.

For instance, if you resent being fearful, you might have worked to develop courage to compensate, but the fear is still there beneath the surface.
Sometimes a trait might be so inconsistent with our self-image that we actually deny having it ourselves but become annoyed by it when we see it in others. Also, we might falsely think that we possess some desirable quality that we admire in others.

To derive accurate results from any Enneagram test, it is important to be aware of these very natural tendencies and to answer the questions honestly.

You might also be interested in these books about the Enneagram at Amazon

See book descriptions

Copyright Ewald Berkers 2003 - 2010

Posted via email from Printing matters

maandag, juli 12, 2010

Latest runing shoes

My previous running shoes have done there time: more then a year while the general advise is not to use them longer than 1000 hours/year. My prevous trail shoes esp. for running orienteering where not equipped and in fact a bad advise from my previous running shop (Salomon Speedcross 2 shoe). I did a running test for this shoe on the running belt and the heels kept straight in line. But the reinforcement at the inside of the legs whas desastreus! You saw it clearly after running for more then a year, when looking direct with the shoe in front of you. But at that time h looks promising!
Now i've a shoe witch has been filmed from all sides when running on the belt but the program in use to measure the angle between the heel and the knee indicated a well balanced shoe. And the advise felt more professional than the previous. You only know that you had get a good advise after running for a longer time with the shoe!
The present shoe bottom is much wider so more stabile and the heel has three impact zones. Let's hope that this advice is much better than the previous! It felt better for sure.

I know that i had for more than 3 months knee tendinitis and i felt OK,when running with this shoe last Sunday - more than 10 km in 1h04.

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zaterdag, juli 10, 2010

Steelfactory Genk

Raar volkje daar in Genk! Witte wijn wordt geserveerd en smaakt en ziet eruit als een porto. Discussie met de baas levert niets op, spijtig genoeg. Anders zeer leuke tent!


Huwelijk Chris en Debbie.Gewoon te warm om binnen te zitten. Makkelijk nog 30 graden buiten. Jammer voor het feest binnen maar het is echt nog te warm voor binnen activiteiten te ontplooien. In ieder geval ,proficat jongens!eedds

woensdag, juli 07, 2010

Soep van mosselen met een dakje van bladerdeeg.

Le forneau antique Rue Royal a Calais.

Alles OK?

Iconen op een place mat in een wegrestaurant richting Calais.