woensdag, augustus 12, 2009

MyName is...

From the website:

Share your contact information,
in one simple gesture.

Connector allows you to safely transfer an online business card in one simple gesture. Hold two Connectors together and you’re connected. Synchonize Connector by using the built-in USB plug with your PC or Mac. The perfect companion for networking at large events and conferences.

Connector will launch at conferences, events and festivals worldwide.

I only need a connector now ;-)

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maandag, augustus 10, 2009

Top 100 blogs in België

Metatale produceert een overzicht met de top 100 van de meest invloedrijkste blogsites in België (of is het Vlaanderen?).
Zelfs Imke Dielen staat erbij op de 77ste plaats! Die volg ik toevallig ;-)

Vraag is nu hoe kom je in die top 100 en wat brengt het op?

Is er toegevoegde waarde als je in de lijst wordt opgesomd als je professioneel bezig bent met webdesign?

Je kan zelf checken waar jezelf staat met jouw website via de link en interessant hoe hun ranking heeft plaatsgevonden via hun MetaTale whitepaper!

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Instellingen Viking Mobile

Soms is het handig als je even een overzichtje bij de hand hebt voor de GSM instellingen bij Mobile Viking, een Belgische operator.

Deze handleiding is specifiek voor de Apple iPhone geschreven maar veel dingen gelden ook voor andere gsm's!

De link vind je hier

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Troubles in Blogger paradise

I tried a few blog postings with the mail settings but unfortenately I used HTML and Outlook. A lot of overhead in the code of those post as a result: not to say a lot of sh**!
Now I can't publish anymore on a correct way: I always get a time out error despite the content is published to my own domain name!

I looked into the template code and removed a lot of old scripts referring to other sites. The mean problem was that this blog was visisble with Firefox but NOT with Internet Exlorer!?

Now it seems working again. Strange. Can't find a good explanation, however...

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Quickroute running

I finally managed to get 'My digital orienteerings archive' working together with Quickroute. GPS is the key information in this whole, as the data for the layer over the orienteeringsmap is coming from the Garmin GPS 405.

But men this is wunderfull. You can see and enlarge parts of your map and have route description how you did your routechoice with the paces you had during the whole race and from point to point.

Thank you Mats Troeng.

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zaterdag, augustus 08, 2009

Swiss Orienteering - 200 orienteerders in the rain

Forgotten in the rain

The 2nd stage won’t stay in the best orienteering memories for everyone. After a 50′ long ride in military minibusses and having competed in the rain in cold conditions, the runners were supposed to return to the Event centre by military buses again. Approximatively 200 runners were left though in the rain for 2 hours, as the militaries had simply forgotten about them and already gone home…
The 3rd stage distinguished itself by a longer way to the start than any of the O-Ringen stages : 5 kilometers and 770m of high difference waited on the runners, for an estimated time of 110′ minutes – much longer than the race itself for many competitors.

(C) - Ultimate orieenteering

Beside that I think this was a beautifull orienteering activity in Switzerland. Let talk to some people I know who where there. I see them probably in the coming days!

See also the attackpoint website especially the forum about this non-event during the Swiss-O-Cup.

vrijdag, augustus 07, 2009

Websites gebruiken is soms slecht voor je bloeddruk

Voor allen die niet op vakantie zijn, een informatief stukje van een ervaringsdeskundige, uit de Volkskrant van : vanochtend met de illustere kop 'Hoge bloeddruk na bezoek aan website over kunst'

Bron: webprof forum


zaterdag, augustus 01, 2009

Create your own digital orienteering map archive

Thanks to the site of the Belgian orienteeerder Fabien Pasquasy, I found the site for archiving your orienteering running. With an image of your orienteering map, a GPX compatible GPS device and with Quickroute.

You can install both applications on a PHP/MySQL server.

Sounds interesting! I will try to install it in on my server in the coming days and will keep you informed!

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