zondag, juli 27, 2008

Beware the social networks feeds!

This article show again that people have to use common sense when they are playing around witht there personal data.
Certain network tools show all available information, where all people evben your neigbours or bosses are looking with. With sometime serious implications.

Have a look to the CMS blog.

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From the street...

Een tijd geleden was ik mijn overleden vaders huis aan het opruimen: een container was in de oprit geplaatst en puilde al uit van al die dingen die emotionele waarde hadden maar voor mij als afscheid dienden.
Plotseling stopte er een stadsgenoot en vroeg of hij een foto mocht maken van een matras die in deze container lag: waarom? vroeg ik heel verbaasd.
Er bestaat een website waar mensen over de hele wereld foto's verzamelen van afgedankte, nieuwe, verhuisde,.. matrassen en er zelfs een ranking op na houden.

De foto die hij toen heeft genomen heb ik echter nooit gepubliceerd gezien?

Tja, van hobbys gesproken.

A streetmatrass called desire... ;-)

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Ecademy meeting

Have look to the slide show of the Ecademy meeting on one of the last occasion. I have no idea when those pictures have been taking, but it looked good and amused!

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Get creative

Neem je camera en ga een dagje photojutten (als in strandjutten ;-)). De ideeën die je daar bewust en onbewust mee krijgt kan je creatief verwerken.

Richard Stomp maakt er zijn beroep van en creeërt cursussen om mensen bewust te maken van deze opportuniteiten en technieken bij te brengen hoe ermee om te gaan.

Zie ook de COCD website

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maandag, juli 21, 2008

The 20 best applications to have

On line applications (Web 2.0) you cannot miss!
Have fun.

vrijdag, juli 18, 2008


My son DJ OJ managed to get through the competetion into the YoungTalent on occasion of the "10daysoff" and this through JIMTv. It's a nice opportunity for him and I must say I'm very proud on him!

Sure he will do fine!

Jim Maniacs
18 juli 2008

The last 2 spots for the Young Talent Bar have been taken by the winners of the Jim Maniacs competition: DJ O.J. will be playing on Sunday, July 21st and LEXTRAVAGANZA is on on Monday, July 22nd. Big thank you to all the Jim Maniacs for participating and to the voters for, well, voting!

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A dream

I received this message from an Ecademy networker and it realy hit me! This is a beautifull poem. Have a read:

The Dream

A man lay on his bed at the end of his life waiting to die.
His dream came to pay his last respects
and bid farewell to the man who had never used it.

As it entered the room the man looked down in shame.
"Why did you not realise me ?" the dream asked.
"Because I was afraid," the man said.
"Afraid of what," said the dream.
"I was afraid I would fail."

"But haven't you failed by not attempting to use me?".
"Yes I did, but I always thought there would be tomorrow."
"You Fool!" said the dream" Did it never occur to you
that there was only ever today? the moment that you are in right now?

Do you think that now that death is here
that you can put it off until tomorrow?".
"No". said the man, a tear gently rolling down his cheek.
The dream was softer now, because it knew that there were two types of pain,
the pain of discipline and the pain of regret,
and while discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs pounds.

Then the dream leant forward to gently wipe away the tear and said,
" You need only have taken the first step
and I would have taken one to meet you,
for the only thing that ever separated us
was the belief in your mind that you couldn't have me".

Then they said goodbye and they both died.

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Plaxo update

Well, it was a really long time ago I did use Plaxo as I'm relooking into social networking applicaties.
Have a look to this Plaxo widget:

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vrijdag, juli 11, 2008

KB951748 M$ Update - No networking afterwords

Yesterday I allowed a Microsoft update! Yeah since then i had problems to use internet.
  1. I could ping to some websites

  2. I found adpaters when doing ipconfig /all

  3. I tried to start with a fresh recovery point in Windows XP, no results

  4. I searched where those damned updates are described

  5. Yeah, i found a folder in the windows folder from a recent date (9 July) with some notices of "tcpip"

  6. each such folder has en spuinst folder with an executable to remove this KB update, which I deed


Now I found an article regarding Zone alarm and this KB update: i didn't use it but to be complete here is the link

Hope this can help others!

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dinsdag, juli 08, 2008

Soundtrack using XP and Vista music samples!

What some people manage to produce is sometimes stunning!!
Have a look to YouTubes video and sound track where a complete song has been maded with only Windows XP and Vista embedded soundtracks!

Don't forget to listen to this mp3 sound using your 5+1 sound system ;-)!

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Apple iPhone in België vanaf 11 juli!

Mobistar komt vanaf 11 juli aanstaande uit met de Apple iPhone in twee uitvoeringen, 8 Gb en 16 Gb in de kleuren zwart en wit. Prijzen resp. €525 en €615. Je kan als particulier kiezen voor drie abonnementen:
My30, My45 en My60 voor resp. €30, €45 en €60/maand

3u of 300 sms’jes
200 MB om te surfen, mailen,video’s te bekijken en veel meer!
6u of 600 sms’jes
500 MB
om te surfen, mailen, video’s te bekijken en veel meer!
9u of 900 sms’jes
1GB om te surfen, mailen, video’s te bekijken en veel meer!

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Netvibes - a most seen ....

Have a look to the latest Netvibes: nice, very nice and a lot of Ajax applications !

Add to Netvibes

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maandag, juli 07, 2008


Lifehack.org had a post with some applications you can use when abroad and using your laptop.
Here comes there content:

Online Office Suites
Office suites are the nerve center of the office (funny that) whether it’s a portable one or the one tethered to a desk and a floor. There are two particularly popular office suites that are web-based, both of which have zillions of zealous fans.
Google Apps offers email, documents, spreadsheets, notebooks, and more, attached to your own domain name. There are also personal versions if you don’t own a domain, such as Gmail and Google Docs.
Zoho is much like Google Apps, though many proponents say it has a far richer feature set than Google. Features aside, the range of apps is far more diverse - it has offerings for invoicing, databases, project management and even a wiki.
It goes without saying that we at Lifehack are obsessed with organizing, so these are some of our favorite web apps–you should get obsessed too, since working on the move can mean being disorganized for many workers. Take a look at these:
Backpack offers project management capabilities, as well as task management and note-taking.
Evernote offers a cross-platform desktop and web-based app for taking notes, which you can tag, share and sync between all of your devices. It can even make the text of an image searchable - great for taking a snapshot of the whiteboard at the end of each meeting.
Remember The Milk is a fantastic task management web app. It’s got all the power you’ll need to make your task management system work in a web-based setting, with a fantastic blog and team behind it making it better all the time. Check out this post if you want to improve your Remember The Milk setup.
Managing your invoicing and your money is a painful necessity for not just freelancers and web workers, but practically everyone (well, perhaps not invoicing, but money in general). There are some great web apps that make these tasks easier.
Blinksale is a fantastic invoicing web app, starting with a free option and scaling up depending on how much you need to use it. Highly recommended.
PayPal is a must for any web-worker. You just can’t get by without a PayPal account these days unless you shun the internet all together. If you don’t want to fork out for Blinksale, PayPal’s invoicing is pretty good, although it doesn’t let you apply a discount to the invoice, which is often annoying as it means (gasp) manual calculations!
Harvest is a web app for time-tracking, making it easier to calculate your fees and write up an invoice (with invoicing built in, if you find it easier to track time and invoice from the same app).
Basecamp is a web app that endeavors to improve your project communication and collaboration, allowing you to make to-do lists, share files, track time (as part of a team, rather than for freelance invoicing purposes), and schedule milestones.
Campfire is another one from the makers of Basecamp that we here at Lifehack use for collaborative meetings. Imagine the chat rooms that typified the net in the nineties, repurposed to accommodate business and creative meetings
Meebo is handy if you need to chat with clients, colleagues or business partners while out and about on AIM, Yahoo!, Google Talk or MSN instant messaging networks and you don’t want to download anything. It’s a web-based client to handle them all.
Twitter makes for a good diversion since it’s not intrusive, so you can have some social fun while not allowing the application to take over in such a distracting way as instant messaging. It still can get distracting, but there’s an order of magnitude between Twitter and something that beeps and flashes like MSN or Skype.
Shockwave is still around– It hasn’t, and currently has some excellent word games that can both “warm up” your mind .
YouTube is a site you already knew about, but when it comes to taking a break, nothing beats a surf around this site. Especially if you want a totally passive break, as both Twitter and Shockwave require a certain level of interaction.

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Microsoft Popfly

In het tijdschrift NetOpus stond een artikel over DevDays 2008 in de RAI. Een interessant onderdeel van dit artikel gaat over Popfly, een MS tool die niet programmeurs toelaat applicaties te ontwikkelen gebaseerd op beschikbaree "mashups" of black boxen.

Zo kan je deze bijvoorbeeld bekijken die ik zelf op een wip heb klaargemaakt.
De code achter zo een "mashup" blocks is blijkbaar Javascript.
Zo is de user input blok code aangepast om de input vraag in het nederlands te bekomen.

userInput.__reserved.pendingCalls = 1;environment.finish(); // Indicate
that loading is done before the async calluserInput.getText("Geef hier je tekst

", "weblogs", "Start",

data["User Input"] =

} catch
} });

Meteen is dit een ideaal platform om Javascript (opnieuw) te leren gebruiken. Bovendien is popfly geïntegreerd in Visual Web Developer 2008.

Gelijk heb ik ook eens een webpagina aangemaakt met deze tool.

Een niet onbelangrijke opmerking is dat Popfly best in IE gebruikt wordt. Bij het maken van een webpagina in Firefox werkte een groot deel van de buttons niet!

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zaterdag, juli 05, 2008


Ik was aan het kijken naar een goed geprijsde volledig functionerende kleine laptop en zie daar is de ASUS Eee PC. 7 inch scherm, mogelijkheid om 1 GB Ram geheugen te installeren en met een 8 GB SSD-disk!
Bovendien draait deze notebook op Xandros OS, een op Debian Etch gebaseerde distributie die lichtjes werd aangepast voor deze hardware.
Hij heeft omzeggens alle functionaliteiten die je als normale gebruiker kunt bezigen, voor een niet Linux gebruiker misschien wel even wennen.

Voor de screenshots omtrent de software kan je best even kijken naar volgende pagina's op de Hardware.info site.

Tevens wat linken voor deze 'mini' botebook:

Officiële site van ASUS van de Eee PC.
Eee user site met o.m. een wiki met érg veel informatie over het besturingssysteem, alternatieven hiervoor, en hardware informatie.
ivc wiki met gedetailleerde informatie over de Eee PC onderdelen en mogelijke hardware upgrades.
Artikel bij Bit-Tech met tips voor het besturingssysteem van de Eee PC.

Overgenomen uit hardware.info