dinsdag, april 27, 2010

Eruption Eyjafjallajökull

My biggest kodak moment
Originally uploaded by *ice
Found this absolute beautiful picture on Flickr!
The picture speaks for his selves.

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Raz*War - Checkout

Just ordered the raz -War shaving tool for free except for the shipping costs.

Thank you Your order was placed successfully.

You've just purchased this

1x Raz*War Discovery Kit

Let's see if they fulfil there promises as they are stating in there website: Quality shaving - Fair Prices. Already one statement is true: they are sheep as in 'For Free'. No idea yet where to find replacement knives however?

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Wakooz RSS news feeds and Gadgets: usefull?

Check out this website I found at wakooz.com

Posted via web from theweb's posterous

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nuvifone™ M10 - Overzicht ~ Garmin-Asus

nuvifone™ M10 - Overzicht ~ Garmin-Asus

De nüvifone M10 biedt alle functies van een smartphone en werkt even hard als u. Met een combinatie van het bedrijfsvriendelijke Windows® Mobile-platform en de beproefde Garmin-navigatie brengt de nüvifone M10 u daar waar u naartoe wilt. U hebt ook toegang tot Windows Marketplace, waar honderden toepassingen binnen handbereik liggen.

Lijkt een mooi toestel, waarbij de impliciete GPS functie een extra en interessant gegeven is.
Prijstechnisch niet zo slecht: de aanbevolen AKP bedraagt €379. Versie Windows® Mobile™ 6.5.3 Professional.
Gebruikers die meer ophebben met Androïd kunnen uitwijken naar het ander Garmin toestel, de A50. De Linux adepten kunnen het type G60 gebruiken!
Volgens de NL_BE site in België verkrijgbaar!

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zaterdag, april 24, 2010

Out of business for some days.

Due to a surgery already happened last Wednesday, took some time to recover. My handy is serving his purpose well, so i can write this short message. Everything went fine, thanks and the recovery goes wunderwell.
Hope to be back at home next Monday.
See you in a couple days.


vrijdag, april 23, 2010

Nissa socca

Een soort van polenta,maar zeer smakelijk. Specialiteit van Nice.

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Anouk en Robbe

Dikke boefers:-).Jong en gelukkig,toch.


Onze schat al is ze soms behoorlijk kattig,nu al!


He is the best. No fare at all.

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zaterdag, april 17, 2010

How to avoid loosing your face on the web

How to avoid loosing your face on the web
from the blog "One - Business magazine for ICT professionals"

DNS is one of the silent technologies that is used by the whole world without thinking about it. It stands for Domain Name Service and is allows us to type a name like www.acmecorporation.com to get in contact with the target server. It is part of the internet and its associated technologies. It works that well we do not even remember that we are using it. But there is a trick.

Posted using ShareThis

John Cordier Academy - Telindus organised a seminar on the 2nd of April. Speaker of the day was of course the DNS authority Cricket Liu with his view on the DNS hack problems and there solutions.

Crickets blog and vary wurthful, the DNS test site from Cricket through Infoblox, the company he works for.

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dinsdag, april 13, 2010

Wim Delvoye in Nice

Moet je naar Nice komen om de Vlaamse kunstnenaar Delvoye te zien. Prachtige schetsen en 'twisted' kunststukken heeft die man gemaakt. Zijn getatoeeerde varkens niet te vergeten natuurlijk!

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Colline du chateau in Nice

serieuze wandeling naar hoogste top in Nice.Hebben dan ook maar de lift genomen :-)

Zicht op Nice strand.

Voor de ecchte zonnmekloppers onder ons is dit een 'kei' harde ondergrond. Allemaal keien en geen zand!

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zondag, april 11, 2010

Max Tannone 'Mos dub' free download

A mix up from old dub and reggae in the raps from Mos Def. You can download this album for free as in free beer.
And it's nice music!
Download link: http://mosdub.com/

Posted via email from theweb's posterous

iPod opladen applicaties van App Store Error

Na wat heen en weer geconnecteer tussen twee PC's wilde ik een aantal gratsi applicaties vanuit Ap Store en een e-boek synconiseren met mijn iPod Touch. Ondanks alle machtigen die ik verstrekte op mijn PC naar mijn iTunes account, kreeg ik steeds dezelfde foutmelding <b>u bent niet bevoegd om het af te spelen op deze computer ipod</b>.
Bij support vond ik eindelijk de oplossing in de vorm van het verwijderen van de SC Info map onder ProgramData-Apple Computer.
Daarna de computer herstarten en de juiste account gebruiken om de computer te machtigen voor de aankopen en het werkte eindelijk!
Zie ook iTunes repeatedly prompts to authorize computer to play iTunes Store purchases

Posted via email from theweb's posterous

zaterdag, april 10, 2010

794 Producten in de rubriek internet, ict, e-commerce

Het is nooit te laat om te leren.. Ik ontdekte deze uitgever pas gisteren n.a.v. de voorpublicatie van het boek van Stefan Wobben van Concept7 m.n. Zo kan het ook. via LinkedIn. Interessante boeken hier!
Check out this website I found at managementboek.nl

Posted via web from theweb's posterous

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De jarige

Was alweer een leuk feestje met veel cadeautjes! Waar gaan we mee beginnen?

3 jaar

3 jaar verjaardig




Looking for USB wireless- F5U706 Belkin Hub-To-Go

Hub to go I was looking to get a wireless connection for my Hauppauge PVR to my PC as the present wired connection would be more than 5 mtrs. So i came up with this USB travel connector, when Googeling for a possible solution. Nice when you're travelling with f.e. your macbook who has only two USB ports!! Still I have to find a solution for my PVR ;-).


Part # F5U706 $49.95
add to cart

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vrijdag, april 09, 2010

Kindle with Global Wireless

Looking to buy the book "La Peur" or the Dutch translation "Heldenangst" from Gabriel Chevallier the Publisher Standaard Boekhandel didn't had this on stock. Looking to Amazon my attention was tracked by the kindle and can now be delivered to EU, esp. Belgium. With that i was looking to the coverage of the Wireless network in my region and was quit disappointed (see the link beneath). Looking to our Dutch neighbours there is a hugh difference of High Speed network! But the differences with iPad are high not only the price from the Kindle ($259 against more than $500 for the iPad) and then again with the present smart phones. Have a look Amazon
Check out this website I found at client0.cellmaps.com

Posted via web from theweb's posterous

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Chevallier's Heldenangst:omtrent WOI

Een boek van Chevallier is nu in Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar via Uitgeverij Cossee. Oorspronkelijke titel "La Peur". Een boek over de evrschrikkingen van WO I als een loopgravenoorlog waar miljoenen soldaten nutteloos (alsof een oorlog slachtoffer ooit een 'nut' heeft?) zijn gestorven.Voor velen een gebeurtenis die niet meer dan een geschiedenis boek item is.
Zelf heb ik als 50+ de verhalen van mijn vader over mijn grootvader, die in W.O. I heeft gevochten steeds de verhalen onthouden dat enkel het Frans de voertaal was voor een heel groot deel Vlaamse boerenjongens die er geen letter/woord van begrepen.
Daar door heb ik ergens een sentimentele binding met deze verschrikking en kijk met aandacht naar dit boek.
Ga het eens ophalen en zeker in de komende (verlof) week eens nalezen!

zie ook:
Bespreking 8Weekly
De standaard Letteren

Posted via email from theweb's posterous

Changing MB from MSI K8 Neo to Gigabyte MA74GM

I had to change the motherboard of one of my PC's. The original MSI K8 Neo with an AM2 AMD processor was broken and the present MB on a AMD AM2 processors rare. So  I bought me a Gigabyte MB MA 74GM-S2H with a AM3 processor. The end price was acceptable, as there where also other alternatives.
The  problem with the new MB is that they don' t have PS/2 connections anymore or only one on board.
The original PC was connected to a VGA KVM switch with PS/2 keyboard and mouse. There was only one PS/2 connection possible. Finding an adapter PS/2 to USB was at the first local shop hard if not impossible according the sales person !!
But I finally found this Belkin adapter. Quit some money, but it's working fine now!

Posted via email from theweb's posterous

dinsdag, april 06, 2010

London Calling » Foursquare and the opportunity for location based social media

I was present at the Mobile Conventions fair at Amsterdam last Thuersday, where Andrew Grill was one of the key-note speakers and listen to his story about Visible Technology. He seems to be the advocate of the Foursquare application, a LBS (location based social media) tool where you and you only key in(check in) your where abouts and share this information with the world and/or friends. This way you can send and receive inforamtion about interesting places and be update with advises. I have installed it on my Nokia and try to use it as much as possible (i don't travel so much pitty...)
Check out this website I found at andrewgrill.com

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Interactive Online - 10 Useful and Time-Saving CSS Grid-Layout Generators

Comment: I have use once a CSS grid generator: esp. the site Trend-Events is using this grid generator where the div's are populated with classes equals spans, which have a width from maximum 24 and are set up into the accompagnied CSS. It's a vary handy and correct way to set up your page and make sure all the following content is always placed in the same way. That way your page has a constant and identical way of presenting the blocks of your pages!

Posted via web from theweb's posterous

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Your daily webdesign inspiration source — Webdesignerdaily

Webdesignerdaily.com is a Dutch Concept Group brand.

Webdesignerdaily.com is running the SilverStripe CMS — Try it yourself!

I found this link thanks to a connection on Linked and found it wurthfull to place this link. Nice for future references and use when needing some inspiration on creating a new site. You can also submit your own site with the link "Submit" (http://www.webdesignerdaily.com/submit/).

Posted via web from theweb's posterous

zondag, april 04, 2010

photo-manipulations by Erik Johansonn « ² Malevi4a

photo-manipulations by Erik Johansonn « ² Malevi4a
Zijn de moeite waard om te bekijken!


Distels in begin April.

Narcissen met Pasen

Een simpel shot van de bloemen op de veranda tafel.

My grand son.

Taken a few days ago around the end of March.
This is published through Pixelpipe.

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Enabling the Nokia N900 to the Social Web with Pixelpipe « The Pixelpipe Blog

Enabling the Nokia N900 to the Social Web with Pixelpipe « The Pixelpipe Blog
A short description on how to integrate the Pixelpipe services on your Nokia N900.
I've been looking to understand there definfition of  'You can now configure your preferences for upload from the Sharing accounts settings on the N900' but i finaly saw the share icon under the image.From there one you can choose the account you would like to share your what-ever-file.

Probably they take it for granted at Pixelpipe that you know this way of working!

But now its working.

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Test from pixelpipe

i still didnt got it how to install/set this N900 to get working with Pixelpipe!

zaterdag, april 03, 2010

Mobile Conventions Amsterdam Aka-Aki video

Download now or watch on posterous
20100401_007.mp4 (10199 KB)

At the Mobile convention fair in Amsterdam the Aka-Aki company (well known from there application to get connected with users who have also installed this application) presented there knew meta game.
The meaning is to get as much a possible pont s to be able to build the highest building around.
No idea when this will be published.

Posted via email from theweb's posterous

Mobile conventions Amsterdam

Thursday we went to the Secund Mobile Convention fair in Amsterdam.
A lot of interesing speakers, good food and good company.
It was a long day starting at 6.00 AM cause we took the train (2h50
hours driving), but without traffic jams the Dutch highways are famous
So we could do a lot of things I had to do already :-).
Have a look to some images and the video of Aka-aki, which i cannot
install on my PDA (maemo OS).
PS: published with my normal mail agent, not through Gmail.
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Posterous - The place to post everything. Just email us. Dead simple blog by email.

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Escape From PDF Exploit « Didier Stevens

Escape From PDF « Didier Stevens.

Exploit in Adobe Reader maakt het mogelijk om een executable te embedden in het aangemaakte PDF document en de waarschuwingen die Windows genereert zelfs aan te passen en de gebruikers opzettelijk te misleiden. Op deze wijze kan je een gebruiker de waarschuwing laten afklikken en de embedded code in het PDF document laten uitvoeren.