Eruption Eyjafjallajökull
Found this absolute beautiful picture on Flickr!
The picture speaks for his selves.
Found this absolute beautiful picture on Flickr!
Just ordered the raz -War shaving tool for free except for the shipping costs.
nuvifone™ M10 - Overzicht ~ Garmin-Asus
Labels: hospital
How to avoid loosing your face on the web
A mix up from old dub and reggae in the raps from Mos Def. You can download this album for free as in free beer.
And it's nice music!
Download link:
I was looking to get a wireless connection for my Hauppauge PVR to my PC as the present wired connection would be more than 5 mtrs. So i came up with this USB travel connector, when Googeling for a possible solution. Nice when you're travelling with f.e. your macbook who has only two USB ports!! Still I have to find a solution for my PVR ;-).
Labels: amazon, books, iPad, kindle, smartphones
Een boek van Chevallier is nu in Nederlandse vertaling beschikbaar via Uitgeverij Cossee. Oorspronkelijke titel "La Peur". Een boek over de evrschrikkingen van WO I als een loopgravenoorlog waar miljoenen soldaten nutteloos (alsof een oorlog slachtoffer ooit een 'nut' heeft?) zijn gestorven.Voor velen een gebeurtenis die niet meer dan een geschiedenis boek item is.
Zelf heb ik als 50+ de verhalen van mijn vader over mijn grootvader, die in W.O. I heeft gevochten steeds de verhalen onthouden dat enkel het Frans de voertaal was voor een heel groot deel Vlaamse boerenjongens die er geen letter/woord van begrepen.
Daar door heb ik ergens een sentimentele binding met deze verschrikking en kijk met aandacht naar dit boek.
Ga het eens ophalen en zeker in de komende (verlof) week eens nalezen!
I had to change the motherboard of one of my PC's. The original MSI K8 Neo with an AM2 AMD processor was broken and the present MB on a AMD AM2 processors rare. So I bought me a Gigabyte MB MA 74GM-S2H with a AM3 processor. The end price was acceptable, as there where also other alternatives.
The problem with the new MB is that they don' t have PS/2 connections anymore or only one on board.
The original PC was connected to a VGA KVM switch with PS/2 keyboard and mouse. There was only one PS/2 connection possible. Finding an adapter PS/2 to USB was at the first local shop hard if not impossible according the sales person !!
But I finally found this Belkin adapter. Quit some money, but it's working fine now!
Labels: Andrew Grill, Foursquare, lbs, Mobile Conventions A'dam
Labels: CSS, Css generator, webdesign
I found this link thanks to a connection on Linked and found it wurthfull to place this link. Nice for future references and use when needing some inspiration on creating a new site. You can also submit your own site with the link "Submit" ( is a Dutch Concept Group is running the SilverStripe CMS — Try it yourself!
Enabling the Nokia N900 to the Social Web with Pixelpipe « The Pixelpipe Blog
Labels: N900, pixelpipe, social networking
i still didnt got it how to install/set this N900 to get working with Pixelpipe!
At the Mobile convention fair in Amsterdam the Aka-Aki company (well known from there application to get connected with users who have also installed this application) presented there knew meta game.
The meaning is to get as much a possible pont s to be able to build the highest building around.
No idea when this will be published.
Posterous - The place to post everything. Just email us. Dead simple blog by email.
Escape From PDF « Didier Stevens.